Home My Thoughts The Month of May: Caring for God’s Creation

The Month of May: Caring for God’s Creation

by David Jordan

The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till it and keep it

(Genesis 2:15).

Last month, we celebrated the resurrection story of Easter and enjoyed the blossoming of a world re-birthed. Now May presents us with the fading flowers of early spring along with the crops and blooms of summer beginning. A new creation opens before us.

According to this verse above from Genesis, we along with our biblical ancestors began with God’s command to care for God’s creation. Like the earliest shepherds called to watch over the flocks and pastures with compassionate wisdom, we are to be shepherds of God’s earth and caretakers of God’s world. Such a calling has never been more important for us than it is today.

In one of the more poignant episodes of “The Andy Griffith Show,” Opie accidentally killed a mother bird with his slingshot. Her death left a nest of three baby chicks without a mom.[1] Saying “sorry” or feeling guilty was insufficient. He realized something more was required. Opie decided to care for the baby chicks until they were old enough to care for themselves. At the conclusion of the show, Opie realized he had to set the little birds free. The conflicting emotions he experienced in guilt, responsibility and compassion, serve as potent reminders of our own vital obligations to God’s world.

In Jesus’ tradition of Judaism, tikum olam is the Hebrew phrase that means “to heal the earth.” Recalling this earliest tradition offered to us in the call to care for the God’s creation, Jesus based his ministry and teaching around this vital principle.

This was also Opie’s lesson. In his own way of caring for orphaned birds, Opie did his part to heal a portion of the earth. So can we.

This month, let us consider those things in our world that need to be healed, those habits, statements, perspectives and products that hinder beauty, rob us of goodness, and mar God’s good, created order. Think as you go through this beautiful month of May about places you know that face environmental concerns. Consider what you might do inadvertently to contribute to environmental problems. What can you do with compassionate responsibility to begin to make things right? Drive less? Garden more? Use less energy? Use less plastic, less water, fewer damaging chemicals? Take seriously today what you can do to fulfill God’s call and earliest expectation for us. Let us partner with God in caring for this sacred gift so lovingly entrusted. And as you do, enjoy the miracle of life and the loveliness of God’s world in the month of May!

Also Consider:

Add to your reading list Barbara Kingsolver’s Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. She spent a year living only on food her family farmed or from local produce. The joys, hardships, and insights offer tremendous food for thought—and inspiration for taking care of God’s world seriously.  Sometime this month, do your best to plan and prepare a healthy meal with only local produce, either from your garden, from a local Farmer’s Market, or from a store like that specializes in local foods. Sometimes, even chain grocery stores support local farmers—and will do so more if people like us ask them about locally grown produce. Give it a try!

Gratefully, David


[1] From the 1963 episode: “Opey The Birdman.”

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